Ours is an organization with subtle difference in our very giving! We are generous hosts with an ocean of difference in our keenness at enabling and ennobling, approving and appreciating, readying and rendering; the stories of life or the life as stories with brazen ease and open readiness. It indeed is a learning podium of Extra Curricular Activities set apart, not only for students, but also for the public. We strive to develop a comprehensive education system, with many extracurricular pursuits and above all, to tap the ‘out of the box’ thinking ability in every child. To integrate the significance of ethos and a pre-eminent philosophy of education is what we can do for our future rulers. And believe us… this is indeed a rare combination of sorts. We aim at giving children a true vision of life, which in turn would undoubtedly help them face challenges with incredible poise, hand cuffed with implausible dynamism. So, ACEnovation is all set to motivate and ready to contribute to society huge heartedly.


Our convictions are strong and our objective of exemplifying holistic education in every child is no child’s play of ours; it’s our standing ‘motto,’ and a path way to success for our young audience and future performers. To create robust youngsters of good character and conduct, both within the nation and around the globe, is our sole goal. We prophesy an age band of culture conscious, and ethic eager youngsters. Lifting the innate, baby abilities sky high is our fervent venture; and so we’ve submitted ourselves in laying the foundation of a bridge, to bridge their dreams till they can touch much more than merely their rooftops.


In the name of ‘ACEnovation’ that’s all set to kindle the raw minds of the young; we hereby pledge to light the flame of opportunity, and to support children, and to hold their imaginative potentials sky tall. With not much ado, we propose to get them tailor made for the ‘now’ world, peeking onto the future of the morrow world. We promise to ready each one with an uninhibited inclination to look at life, and to tell us its stories of fun and fiction; humour and satire; little sob sentiments; stories big and mighty or heart rending tragedies; of politics and statesmen, princes and paupers; history, biography and the auto stories. The diction and presentation, we’d teach, and we would also instil in them, upfront naturalness, and ‘from the heart’ expressions and narrations.


“Child is the father of man,” said William Wordsworth. By this he meant that from every child there is a myriad to learn. Yet, the child needs to be groomed and gotten to grow. Thus, from the early phase of a child’s life, if he/she is helped to bud and bloom; then at the second childhood of man, this very child takes turn to help hold the adult, when and if in need… So, ACEnovation has primarily thrown its focus on school going children, as the heroes of its programme of pride. But, such a venture involves all stakeholders – the teachers, the parents, the management and the Government at large. Through them, the light of prosperity and peace spreads to society, the country, and the world in its entirety. And, therefore ACEnovation wishes to embrace all with its caring arms of hope and hard work for each and all to be bestowed with a happy future.


We, @ ACEnovation believe in providing, not just a long time learning process, but lifelong wisdom procurement and investment. Such is a learning of immense significance in building resilience and remaining relevant in this fast pacing era. Since we are “for children; for, children are our tomorrow…”, we aim to be the “skill capita” of the contemporary world; and so, we have now pulled up our sleeves to sharpen and deepen the knowledge pool of skills in children; from where they pick up the straws of enlightment.


ACEnovation concentrates on the very essence of life, as the world needs individuals who will step up and make a difference. We, from ACEnovation, visualize all the children under our umbrella of concern as victors and title holders….though born in multiple backdrops, would undoubtedly achieve laurels of varied glories….and differently will each one shoulder and execute, to create a beautiful, unique sphere!!!!

“Ours is not just wishful thinking but a wish for children to think big.”

OUR distinct ENTERPRISE is

  • To provide an innovative, structured and comprehensive programme which would elevate the learning of the Tamil Language and showcase its rich Culture.
  • To inculcate moral strength; and to help imbibe capability of innovating the unbelievable through the “Story Telling Curriculum”.