Everybody has an innate love of stories. Stories create magic and a sense of wonder . Stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others. Storytelling is a unique way for us to develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures, and can promote a positive attitude to people from different lands, races and religions. Stories reveal universal truths about the world. Through stories we see how very different people share the same life experiences and how human nature can transcend culture.

  • Young Learners share a remarkable variety of personal experiences, values and ways of understanding. The language they learn in the classroom is the tool they use to shape their thoughts and feelings. It is more than a way of exchanging information and extending ideas, it is their means of reaching out and connecting with other people.
  • Stories can link not only between the world of classroom and home but also between the classroom and beyond. Stories provide a common thread that can help unite cultures and provide a bridge across the cultural gap.

The Blu Hornbill Club Pvt Ltd was formed with a clear objective of exemplifying holistic education, by ensuring value based and culture-oriented development, thus enabling the young generation to be caring and enterprising citizens.This club sets out to achieve the objective by reaching out to every child through their own schools; and what better way than through eLearning and club activities, thereby establishing a foundation for integrated personality development inculcated with an in-depth knowledge of various cultures and instilling feelings of humanity.

“When educating the minds of our youths,
we must not forget to educate their hearts”

– Dalai Lama

Educating the heart not only focuses on developing the cognitive aspects (our minds) but also all the qualities that make us human (our hearts) and ultimately give us meaning in our lives. With this insight, “The Bluhornbill Club” was found to bring in a holistic happiness based on the premise that each person finds the identity, meaning, and purpose in life through connections to their local community, to the natural world, and to humanitarian values.

Our Inspiration for the BluHornbill Club comes from the great ‘Lord Baden-Powell’ the Chief Scout, who was an excellent storyteller and an amateur dramatist. Likewise the objectives of the ‘BluHornbill Club‘ is similar to the scouting movement targeting the development of young boys & girls to save the world. Baden-Powell was a keen illustrator. He regularly drew paintings and drawings – often with a humorous slant.

“The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into
the lives of others.”
– Letter (September 1940) Lord Baden-Powell.

The Blu Hornbill Club is a club with a difference. This is an Extra-Curricular Club (ECA) for the public (volunteers) and for students.

The Blu Hornbill Club strives to develop a comprehensive learning combined with extra-curricular programmes for schools which integrates the best in our culture and philosophy of education.

  • It aims at giving children a true vision of life to help them face challenges in a positive and dynamic manner and wholeheartedly contribute to the society.
  • The child is the focal point of the programme. The programme also embraces all the stakeholders – the school management, teachers and parents. Through them, the light of the vision spreads to the society, country and the world at large.
    The young club members are known as the “Hornbills”.
    • The ‘Hornbills’ are independent, caring and a responsible two-member team.
    • The ‘Hornbills’ will always work in pairs, this ‘Buddy Concept’ will last for their life time.
    • The “Hornbills” are trained to be a Passionate Listeners and good Story-Tellers.
    • The ‘Hornbills’ are also nurtured to be curious, inquisitive and become team players.

The ‘Blu Hornbills’ would be nurtured from young to ensure,

  • Student cohesiveness
  • Social obligation
  • Environmental concerns
  • Skill building for survival

The domains of BluHornbill Club,

  • BluHornbill Challenge : School Story Telling Championships
  • BluHornbill Café : Proposed Café for members only with a souvenir
  • BluHornbill Radio : Our iradio station to be the voice of the bluhornbill members and an SOS call-in station